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Felt Flower Bouquet

13 Feb

Hey-o! It’s been awhile.

Today I did a little Pinterest crafting.

Here’s the inspiration.


{ I couldn’t find a source for this image.  If you know of it, please send me a message and I will credit it. }

And here’s my whack at it.

flo1 flo2

flo4 flo3


They look great in the flower crate my friend Aubrey made me for my 30th birthday.

This was super easy and such a cute result.  And I love that they won’t die.  Now maybe you could make them for someone special for Valentines day tomorrow?


Kid’s Wooden Pumpkin Craft

28 Sep

Fall just started last week, so we made some pumpkins to decorate the house.

Using wood (1×8), I cut out a simple pumpkin shape with my jig saw.  Then scored some pumpkiny lines with my dremel.

Delilah had her cousin Ella over to craft with her.

After the paint dried, I sanded them down slightly.  I cut out shapes from black construction paper.  The girls picked out their own shapes to make faces.  They ended up wanting their pumpkins to look the same.

I cut out leaf shapes from felt and tied them up with rope.

And after Halloween is over, you can just turn them around till Thanksgiving.

Cute eh?  And so simple!

I’m Still Kickin’

21 Aug

Hey everyone, don’t you give up on me just yet!  I’m still here, just not much as of recently.  I have literally been sick for two whole months.  Only seriously sick for about a week, but a stupid cough the rest of the time.  It’s kind of taken the wind out of my sails for doing anything productive.  And it’s kind of ruined my summer.  Just a little.  It was too hot to do anything anyway.

We have been working on the camper though.  And it’s almost complete!  We’ve painted it inside and out and just put in new flooring this past weekend.  So get excited for the reveal very soon!  For a little sneak peek at the outside, here’s a pillow I made for the camper, with a little look-a-like.

In other news, Rory has started Kindergarten.

They wear uniforms to their school.  When I first heard about that I was a little nervous.   That’s a world I thought I would never enter, so I never paid much attention to it all.  But now that we’ve got it figured out, I love uniforms.  I really do believe all schools should adopt the uniform dress code.  It saves a ton of money, and there’s no issues with clothes anymore.

So now it’s just me and Delilah all day.  It’s going to be good for her to start getting some one-on-one attention.  And we will be able to start doing activities that are more tailored to her development.

Oh and my 3oth birthday is quickly approaching.   Like 2.5 weeks away!  EEEEEK! Don’t expect me to get much more done on my 30 Before Thirty.  Most of them are just not going to happen.  I’m not that concerned, so you shouldn’t be either.